Hair & Mineral Analysis
We offer the only personalized transition dietary plan based entirely upon the results of one's hair tissue mineral analysis. This report includes three transition diets, menu plans and a wealth of information covering food preparation, eating habits, changing one's habits, cooking, shopping and other valuable information.

Analytical Chart Example
A lot of people know that minerals are good for them but fewer people recognize that some minerals can be toxic. Even the so-called good minerals like the zinc and copper can mess you up if they are present in your body in the wrong ratio or if you have a hard time excreting. I learned this first hand in my mid 20s when I discovered that my body was storing too much mercury. My experience is that this is a very easy to perform hair mineral analysis testing that can provide great value if you know how to interpret it. So you can see whether you are low on some minerals or high on others – you will definitely feel a difference in your performance in life.
A hair mineral analysis test reveals your mineral deficiencies and heavy metal toxicity. Many people don’t realize that it also provides a blueprint to increase your performance, banish brain fog, improve energy and so much more! Hair mineral analysis reveals and explains the causes of many health symptoms and disease, whose underlying causes are largely related to nutritional deficiencies, mineral imbalances and heavy metal and chemical toxicity.
Your hair can be tested because it is one of many places the body eliminates minerals and heavy metals. The individual mineral levels, ratios of minerals to each other and patterns of minerals deposited in the hair reveal all kinds of things about your body chemistry and health conditions.
Unlocking Human Performance your physical and cognitive abilities can be optimized using hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA). Nutrient mineral levels and their comparative relationships (ratios) determine how well your cells function and impact physical and cognitive performance. The goal is to correct body chemistry and improve cell functioning using HTMA as a guide for targeted supplementation. The problem is that when you are tired, you might use a stimulant like an energy drink. If we are too wired we might use a sedative, alcohol, or another drug to relax. We are smart enough to realize that these substances affect our biochemistry, but they instead create biochemical chaos. Misguided biochemistry balancing leads to all types of undesirable health consequences.
This is why it’s so much better to balance biochemistry intelligently using hair mineral analysis. Intelligent biochemical balancing using Mineral Power, which utilizes HTMA, is simply about eating a nutrient-rich diet, targeted nutrient supplement therapy, detoxification and learning to avoid things that cause you harm. Benefits include improved cognitive function, more energy, correcting the metabolic rate (weight loss), emotional stability and greater stress resilience.
Individuals at the leading edge of intellectual and physical performance, including CEO’s, professional athletes, high-level entertainers, elite military, top scientists, and intellectuals, know the value of excellent nutrition and its positive effect on performance. By improving your nutritional status and balancing biochemistry with HTMA, you will experience a higher state of performance and move closer to becoming Bulletproof!
Why Test for Minerals?
Minerals are the “spark plugs” of life. They are involved in almost all enzyme reactions in the body.
Without enzyme activity, life does not exist. The foundation of health lies in adequate mineral intake and ideal mineral ratios. Anything else you do for your health is great, but minerals must be the foundation and priority. Once those are balanced and replenished, it solves the majority of health issues people attempt in vain to correct by other means. The hair analysis graph shows the following nutrient minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, chromium, selenium and more. These minerals are necessary for proper functioning of the organs and tissues of the body, but can also metastasize (store in organs where they’re not supposed to be) and prevent proper function. Many minerals need to be replenished, while some forms of minerals need to be detoxed if they are forms the body cannot utilize.
Balancing minerals with a hair mineral analysis is imperative to achieve proper mineral ratios. All the minerals have a complex interaction and affect each other. Excess intake of a single mineral can decrease the intestinal absorption of another mineral. For example, a high intake of calcium depresses intestinal zinc absorption, while an excess intake of zinc can depress copper absorption.
Many factors contribute to mineral deficiencies and imbalances. Here are only a few:
• Stress depletes minerals from the body, most notably magnesium and zinc.
• Toxic Metals and Chemicals. They can replace minerals in enzyme binding sites and interfere with mineral absorption.
• Chronic viral and bacterial infections are subtle stressors on the body, depleting minerals. Many suffer from gut dysbiosis, Lyme and many other low-grade chronic infections.
• Toxic Food Supply. Our food and soils are depleted of minerals, which is why everyone needs nutritional supplements. Hybrid crops, superphosphate fertilizers (i.e. Miracle Grow), refined foods, pesticides, food additives and more, all contribute to a nutritionally depleted and toxic food supply.
• Drinking Water. Tap water is not safe due to added chlorine, aluminum, fluoride and sometimes copper, which cause toxicity or displace other minerals.
• Unhealthy lifestyles. Many individuals do not get enough sleep, don’t exercise enough (or too much) or have other unhealthy lifestyle habits.
Heavy Metal Toxicity presently, humanity is exposed to the highest levels of toxic metals in recorded history, up to several thousand times higher than just a hundred years ago. Everyone has metals in their body; the question is how much do you have? Removing them from the body can vastly improve health, mental functioning, energy and performance.
Hair mineral analysis is a toxicology screen for metals including uranium, lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum and nickel. No test, including urine, stool or blood tests, can show all your heavy metals toxicities as they are buried deep in the bones, brain and organs. Thus, they will not be revealed on a hair tissue test or any other test, until they are mobilized from storage. Only continuous monitoring through any means over a period of years while doing a detox program can reveal all your heavy metal toxicities. In this regard, HTMA is a reliable indicator of toxicity and is helpful in monitoring detoxification progress.
Many health conditions are caused or exacerbated by heavy metal toxicity. Metals can contribute to any imaginable health ailment or condition including cases of diabetes (iron), cancer (cadmium), multiple sclerosis (mercury), Alzheimer’s disease (aluminum), and others. (1, 3,4,5)
The most common toxicities include:
Copper dysregulation is one of the most commonly encountered imbalances that we find on hair tests and is a contributor to many health problems including cancer, weight gain, eating disorders, fatigue, premenstrual syndrome, endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, infertility, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, migraine headaches, allergies, ADHD and learning disorders. (6) Anyone who is vegetarian, has adrenal fatigue, taken birth control pills, used a copper IUD or hormone replacement therapy suffers copper dysregulation.
Mercury is found in almost everyone from consuming fish. Mercury toxicity is associated with countless health issues including adrenal dysfunction, thyroid dysfunction, depression, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, gut dysbiosis, kidney damage, memory loss, mood swings, numbness and tingling and muscle weakness. (3,5) Aluminum is the most common element of the earth’s crust and is a very common toxicity. Aluminum has been found to be associated with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other forms of dementia, anemia and other blood disorders, colic, fatigue, and kidney and liver dysfunctions. (4)
Is Hair Mineral Analysis Accurate?
Because most doctors and health practitioners think that a hair mineral analysis is only showing simple mineral and metal levels, the accuracy and validity of these tests are grossly underestimated and misunderstood. They are often ignorantly dismissed as not being accurate or advised against when the doctor or practitioner has a complete lack of knowledge of the 40 years of research behind HTMA. The key issue and debate surrounding hair testing and whether it’s accurate is really about whether the hair is washed or not. Detractors are not making this distinction. Hair mineral analysis is extremely accurate and valid as long as the hair is not washed by the lab, which washes away some minerals. (Assarlan, Seidel) I send all my hair tests to Trace Elements (TEI) and Analytical Research Labs (ARL), who I think are the best hair mineral testing companies in the US and do not wash the hair samples.
Dr. Paul C. Eck, founder of ARL (Analytical Research Labs) is regarded as the authority on the science of balancing minerals and body chemistry through hair tissue mineral analysis. He performed over 100,000 tests and correlated them to many different health conditions and spent years designing supplement protocols to correct the imbalances in the hair mineral analyses. This research, done in collaboration with Dr. David Watts, founder of TEI (Trace Elements, Inc) spanned their life’s work.
Dr. Eck and Dr. Watts pioneered many innovations in the study of trace mineral deficiencies and excesses and their relationship to various metabolic dysfunctions associated with illness. To correctly interpret a tissue mineral analysis, they combined a number of concepts including:
• The stages of stress discovered by Dr. Hans Selye
• Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system balance as taught by Dr. Melvin Page
• Oxidation types as taught by Dr. George Watson
• Mineral balancing as taught by Dr. William Albrecht
• And many other influences
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*includes tailored diet & detox plan consultation based on results*
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Hair and Mineral Test w/ Full Assessment
*includes tailored diet & detox plan consultation based on results*
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3 times - $500
Hair and Mineral Test w/ Analysis
3 times - $600
What is a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)?
Simply stated, is a screening test that measures the mineral content of your hair. However, a hair tissue mineral analysis is much more than a test for minerals. See below for benefits!
What is the benefit of a hair and mineral analysis?
The results of this analysis will show details about your health and habits. Our analysis will shine light on the following:
-Nervous System Patterns
-Toxic Metal Levels (lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and aluminum)
-Nutrient Mineral/Electrolyte Levels (calcium, chromium, magnesium, selenium, sodium, phosphorus. potassium, nickel, iron, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, manganese, lithium, zinc, and boron)
-Significant Mineral Ratios (determines carbohydrate metabolism, thyroid function, levels of inflammation, adrenal reserves, copper toxicity, tissue breakdown, and calcium shell)
How does it work?
You will come to the office after filling out all your forms and then you will receive your testing kit. The testing kit will be mailed to the labratory and 2-8 weeks later after we receive it back you will be called in for a complete consult and analysis. We can also provide this service online.
What Can a Hair Mineral Analysis reveal?
What Can a Hair Mineral Analysis reveal?
Hair mineral analyses are screening tests only and do not diagnose disease. However, a properly interpreted hair analysis can reveal various mineral imbalances that indicate a tendency for various conditions. A hair mineral analysis provides a picture of body chemistry including:
1 Heavy Metal Toxicity
2 Mineral Deficiencies and Imbalances
3 Metabolic Rate (fast or slow)
4 Adrenal Fatigue
5 Thyroid Function
6 Nervous System Imbalances
7 Protein Synthesis
8 Inflammation
9 Energy Levels
10 Mental Health Issues
11 Liver & Kidney Stress
12 Carbohydrate Tolerance & Blood Sugar Imbalances like Diabetes and Insulin resistance
13 It can even reveal if someone is a sociopath!
When do I get my results?
You will receive your results approx. 3-8 weeks.
Why use the hair? Why not use the blood?
Hair is ideal tissue for sampling and testing. First, it can be cut easily and painlessly and can be sent to a lab without special handling requirements. Second, clinical results have shown that a properly obtained sample can give an indication of mineral status and toxic metal accumulation following long-term or even acute exposure.
Why test for minerals?
Trace minerals are essential in countless metabolic functions in all phases of the life process. For example:
Zinc is involved in the production, storage, and secretion of insulin and is necessary for growth hormones.
Magnesium is required for normal muscular function, especially the heart. A deficiency has been associated with an increased incidence of heart attacks, anxiety, and nervousness.
Potassium is critical for normal nutrient transport into the cell. A deficiency can result in muscular weakness, depression, and lethargy.
Excess sodium is associated with hypertension, but adequate amounts are required for normal health. In the words of the late author and noted researcher Dr. Henry Schroeder, trace elements (minerals) are "...more important factors in human nutrition than vitamins. The body can manufacture many vitamins, but it cannot produce necessary trace minerals or get rid of many possible excesses."
What can cause a mineral imbalance?
There are many factors to take into consideration, such as:
Diet - Improper diet through high intake of refined and processed foods, alcohol, and fad diets can all lead to a chemical imbalance. Even the nutrient content of a "healthy" diet can be inadequate, depending upon the soil in which the food was grown or the method in which it was prepared.
Stress - Physical or emotional stress can deplete the body of many nutrients while also reducing the capability to absorb and utilize many nutrients.
Medications - Both prescription and over-the-counter medications can deplete the body's stores of nutrient minerals and/or increase the levels of toxic metals. These medications include diuretics, antacids, aspirin, and oral contraceptives.
Pollution - From adolescence through adulthood the average person is continually exposed to a variety of toxic metal sources such as cigarette smoke (cadmium), hair dyes (lead), hydrogenated oils (nickel), anti-perspirants (aluminum), dental amalgams (mercury and cadmium), copper and aluminum cookware, and lead-based cosmetics. These are just a few of the hundreds of sources which can contribute to nutrient imbalances and adverse metabolic effects.
How to balance minerals
I implore you to work on your health before you get sick. The earlier you begin balancing your minerals, the less time this task takes. A hair mineral analysis can give you a crystal ball and preview into your state of health because it can show health issues and body chemistry imbalances before you manifest symptoms. Once you present with symptoms or illness like cancer, for instance, you’ve been sick for many years – even decades. A hair mineral analysis will give you a place to begin and a plan to improve your health beyond what you thought imaginable.
Why is Our Hair Analysis Unique?
Several factors combine to make our hair tissue mineral analysis the best in the industry!
We are one of only two laboratories that do not wash the hair at the laboratory. Washing hair samples at the laboratory has been shown to erratically wash out the water-soluble elements. This creates much less accurate results. In a 2001 study in the Journal of the AMA (Seidel, S. et al., Assessment of Commercial Laboratories Performing Hair Mineral Analysis, JAMA, 285(1) Jan 3:67-72.) the two laboratories that did not wash the hair, of which we were one, showed superb reliability.
We use technologically advanced testing instruments, including the Perkin Elmer Elan 9000 ICP Mass Spectrometer.
We are proud of our laboratory quality control procedures. These include known controls which are tested at the beginning, middle and end of every batch of hair samples to insure the accuracy of the results.
We automatically retest any reading that is out of a normally expected range, provided sufficient hair is available for a second sample.
Test results are printed on an easy-to-read graph, unlike many of the other laboratories. This is a great benefit for both practitioners and their clients as well. The printed graph includes the mineral results, major mineral ratios and the oxidation type.
We offer the only complete individualized test interpretation by the method developed by the late Dr. Paul C. Eck, our founder. This is unique as it includes information related to one's metabolic rate, energy levels, autonomic balance, a personal dietary supplement program, basic diet recommendations and other information that can be inferred from the test results.
We offer the only personalized transition dietary plan based entirely upon the results of one's hair tissue mineral analysis. This report includes three transition diets, menu plans and a wealth of information covering food preparation, eating habits, changing one's habits, cooking, shopping and other valuable information.
Mineral Blueprint
Providing a mineral blueprint of one's biochemistry, a hair tissue mineral analysis can provide pertinent information about one's metabolic rate, energy levels, and stage of stress.
A hair tissue mineral analysis performed by Analytical Research Labs, Inc., is a screening test for the level of 20 minerals and toxic metals in a sample of hair. It is a tissue mineral biopsy that is non-invasive, relatively inexpensive and extremely accurate. Our laboratory uses only the most advanced and sophisticated instrumentation available today, the Perkin Elmer ICP-MS nexION 2000B Mass Spectrometer to assess mineral levels in parts per million or parts per billion.
A hair tissue mineral analysis is considered a standard test used around the world for the biological monitoring of trace elements and toxic metals in humans and animals species. The same technology is used for soil testing and testing of rock samples to detect mineral levels.
Hair, like all other body tissues, contains minerals that are deposited as the hair grows. Although the hair is dead, the minerals remain as the hair continues to grow out. A sample of hair cut close to the scalp provides information about the mineral activity in the hair that took place over the past three to four months, depending on the rate of hair growth.